Südzucker increases full year outlook following positive second quarter
Südzucker AG group revenues in the first half year (1 March 2015 to 31 August 2016) of current financial year 2016/17 reached EUR 3,205 (previous year: 3,331) million. Group operating profit increased in the same period to EUR 209 (previous year: 134) million. This earnings increase is caused especially by the development in the sugar segment, but also all other segments contributed.
Südzucker continues to expect for financial year 2016/17 group revenues of EUR 6.4 to 6.6 (previous year: 6.4) billion and now expects group operating profit to reach EUR 340 to 390 (previous year: 241) million. On the one hand the increase is due to an ongoing positive performance of special products segment in the second quarter. On the other hand a sugar price increase is expected as of 1st of October, beginning of new sugar marketing year 2016/17.
The full interim report for the first half year 2016/17 will be published on 13 October 2016.