Compliance at Südzucker Group

Compliance business values and principles
We want to be successful in competition through innovation, quality, reliability and fairness. In doing so, legal regulations and internal company guidelines must be complied with. The Compliance business values and principles serve as the basis for this. As a summary of the Code of Conduct, they represent practice-oriented focal points for daily work.
Compliance business values and princples
320.06 kBSüdzucker Compliance Line
Information about compliance-related matters
Compliance is a top-priority matter for the Südzucker Group. Complying with rules and regulations is the only way to protect the company, its employees and its business partners from infringements and inappropriate behaviour.
Employees or business partners may become aware of processes or transactions that do not comply with these rules. As before, information on this can be given directly to the respective contact persons in the company. However, if there are concerns and employees or business partners cannot see the possibility of placing their observations in person, a confidential, optionally anonymous procedure can be used to draw attention to serious incidents:
Südzucker Compliance Line
- The 'Südzucker Compliance Line' is an electronic communication platform certified under data protection law, via which you can send information to the Compliance Officer of Südzucker AG.
- The 'Südzucker Compliance Line' has to be used responsibly in order to fulfil their function. It must not be misused to be defamatory about others, or to make false accusations.
- The 'Südzucker Compliance Line' is not meant for customer inquiries about products or services or as an emergency call system.
If your report concerns one of the matters listed under §2 of the Whistleblower Protection Act (including criminal acts, violation of regulations for the protection of life and limb, environmental protection), you can also report this to the Federal Ministry of Justice using this link: Federal Reporting Office.
Before using the reporting channels provided by the external Federal Reporting Office, reporting to an internal office at Südzucker should be preferred in cases where effective internal action can be taken against the violation. Internal reporting is often the best way to get information to the people who can most quickly investigate and remedy the violation. If an internally reported violation has not been remedied, you are free to subsequently contact the external office.